What is negative equity?
In car finance, the term 'equity' is often used to mean the difference between the current value of the vehicle and any outstanding finance left to pay. If the vehicle is worth more than the amount left to pay under its finance agreement, that is sometimes called positive equity, or just equity. You can then use that 'equity' towards the cost of the new vehicle. However, if you still have more to pay under the finance agreement than the car is then worth, that difference is described as 'negative equity'.
What is negative equity car finance?
Why does negative equity occur?
Your car is in negative equity, what does this mean for you?
Having negative equity can become a problem in a number of different scenarios:
If you have an accident, and the car is written off, insurance companies will normally only pay out the market value of the car at the time of your claim. This means you’d be left to make up the difference to your lender out of your own pocket.
How different finance agreements impact the equity on your car
What can you do if you have negative equity?
Do nothing
Unless you really have to sell, you are much better sitting tight and riding the equity out. If you have a hire purchase agreement you can continue making your repayments until the end of your loan term or if it’s a PCP deal, you can simply hand the car back. Being in negative equity early on in a car finance deal is not unusual and it may well even itself out. Don’t panic if you see your car’s value drop as the equity only becomes an issue when you are looking to sell the car.
Pay the difference
Depending on the type of finance you have, you could potentially sell or trade-in your car and make up the difference yourself from your own pocket.
Apply for negative equity car finance
You could choose to trade your current car in for a cheaper model and take out negative equity finance to make the payments more affordable. A negative equity car finance arrangement will incorporate any outstanding payments owed from the previous finance agreement.
Voluntary termination
You have the right to voluntarily terminate your agreement. You’ll need to return the vehicle and pay any overdue monthly repayments. If you have paid less than one half of the total amount due, you’ll also need to pay an amount to bring your payments up to one half of the total amount payable. You’ll also need to return the vehicle in a reasonable condition. If you don’t (or if you have exceeded any agreed mileage), there may be further costs. If you find yourself unable to meet your repayments or are worried about negative equity on your car, it’s always worth talking to your lender.
If you're an Oodle customer and have had a change in your financial circumstances, you can talk to us to see how we can help. Get in touch with us on Live Chat to speak to an advisor.